LeRoy Coop
Cash Bids
Market Data
Ag Commentary
Cattle Down Triple DigitsThursday trading in the live cattle futures market has prices $0.95 to $1.52 weaker so far. Feeders are also triple digits in the red with midday losses of at least 87 cents. The CME Feeder Cattle Index was $139.87 on 12/01, down 43 cents. USDA confirmed cash sales remain light, with the bulk of the sales having taken place near $110 so far. The full range is $106.50 to $112. Dressed sales so far have been $172-$174. Wholesale boxed beef prices were lower again this morning. Choice boxes were quoted at $239.52 cwt. down $1.37 and Select was $1.28 cwt. weaker to $221.67. USDA’s weekly update for beef bookings was 13,747 MT. That was well above the 528 MT from the same week last year. Beef commitments are 916,982 MT, which is a record. Commitments to China are also a record 58,833 MT, but still just 6.4% of the total. USDA estimated WTD cattle slaughter is 361k head through Wednesday. That is up 2,000 yr/yr and 1,000 wk/wk.
--- provided by Brugler Marketing & Management |