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Misc. Poultry: Weekly Estimated Slaughter of US Broiler/Fryers and Fowl (Wed)
Atlanta, GA Wed. Jan 15, 2025 USDA Market News
MISC. POULTRY: Weekly Estimated Slaughter of U.S. Broiler/Fryers and Fowl (Wed)
Week ending 18-Jan-25
Current Week Previous Week
01/18/25 (1) 01/11/25
Class ---------- Thousand head ---------
Broiler/fryer 165,928 (2) 156,753
Light hens 567 698
Heavy hens 1,835 1,752
Total 168,330 159,203
(2)The estimated number of broiler-fryers available for slaughter
the week ending 18-Jan-25 is 169.0 million head compared to
144.5 million head slaughtered the same week last year. The
estimated U.S. slaughter this week is 166.3 million head or
-2.7 million less than estimated available. For the week of
25-Jan-25 the estimated available is 169.1 million head.
SOURCE: USDA Livestock, Poultry, & Grain Market News
Atlanta, GA 404-562-5850 email: Atlanta.LPGMN@ams.usda.gov
Prepared: 15-Jan-25 12:14 PM C JG